Volunteer in Thailand with Friends for Asia

Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Bangkok Volunteer Groups 25 and 26

Presenting Bangkok Groups 25 and 26. Two small groups with volunteers from Brazil, Switzerland, the UK, Australia. In these two groups we are hosting volunteers and interns in our Womens Empowerment, English Education, Kindergarten and Bangkok Orphanage Volunteer Projects. BANGKOK ORIENTATION GROUP #25 January 2016 Carolina Loyola, […]

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Chiang Mai Volunteer Orientation Group 194

Chiang Mai Volunteer Orientation Group 194

Presenting our Chiang Mai 194th volunteer and intern group! It’s a small group of only five volunteers and interns, coming from Switzerland, Denmark and China. In this group, our volunteers and interns are participating in the Children’s Home Volunteer Project, Medical Internship and Elephant Camp. Chiang Mai […]

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Bangkok Volunteer Group #24

Bangkok Volunteer Group #24

Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #24! This is a group of seven volunteers coming from the UK, the Netherlands, Australia, Colombia, Germany and the USA. The seven ladies in this group will be participating in our Bangkok Womens Empowerment, Kindergarten and Teaching Monks, and Orphanage Volunteer Projects. Thank […]

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Bangkok Volunteer Group #23

Bangkok Volunteer Group #23

Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #23! A group of seven volunteers from the USA, UK, and the Netherlands. This group of volunteers are participating in our Bangkok Womens Empowerment, Orphanage and Teaching Monks Volunteer Projects. Unfortunately, this group ended up arriving at different times, so it was hard […]

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Bangkok Volunteer Groups #21 and #22

Presenting our Bangkok Volunteer and Intern Groups #21 and #22. We are a bit behind on our Bangkok group photos, and these two are small groups that arrived and started their projects in December. Bangkok, Thailand Volunteer and Intern Group #21 December, 2015 Michelle Deroetth, Washington DC,USA, […]

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Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #192

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #192

Presenting our 192nd Volunteer and Intern Group here in Chiang Mai, Thailand! A mid-sized group of volunteers and interns from the USA, Colombia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Australia. This group just finished their orientation this weekend and started their projects Monday. In this group we have volunteers […]

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Chaing Mai Volunteer Group #191

Chaing Mai Volunteer Group #191

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #191! A good sized group of 18 volunteers and interns from the USA, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Australia and Denmark. The volunteers and interns in the group are participating in our Chiang Mai based Elephant Camp, Children’s Home, Teaching Monks, and English […]

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Bangkok Volunteer Group #20

Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #20! This group participated in our projects in November, and we are a little late here on posting their group photo. Well, better late then never! This group had eight volunteers from Germany, Canada, Austria, Australia and the UK. They participated in our […]

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Bangkok Volunteer Group #19

Presenting Bangkok Volunteer Group #19! A small group of volunteers and interns in this group. Five volunteers from the USA, Canada, and Italy. The volunteers and interns in this group participating in our Bangkok Medical Internship, and Womens Empowerment Volunteer Project. These volunteers have finished their projects […]

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Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 190

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group 190

Presenting Our Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #190! We are a little behind on posting these group photos. This is a group of 15 volunteers and interns from Singapore, UK, Switzerland, Canada, the USA, Mexico and Australia. A very diverse group indeed! Many of the volunteers are […]

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