Volunteer in Thailand with Friends for Asia

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #305; July, 2023

Presenting Chiang Mai Volunteer and Intern Group #305! This group of 10 volunteers and interns participated in our Chiang Mai based programs starting in mid-July. A rather diverse group with individuals from the UK, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Poland, and the United States. All of the participants have now finished their programs. A really great group of hard working people. Thank you for taking part in our projects!

Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer and Intern Group #305

July, 2023

Alexander Keeling, Buxton, U.K, English Education (3 Weeks)

Joan Alles Marti, Barcelona, Spain, English Education (2 Weeks)

Ana Reynes Ginesta, Barcelona, Spain, English Education (2 Weeks)

Kathleen Dehnert, Esslingen, Germany, Teaching Monks (1 Week)

Leah Loïse Molenaar, Delft, Netherlands, Women’s Empowerment (4 Weeks)

Paula Garcia Gallardo, Seville, Spain, Elephant Camp (1 Week)

Kate Margaret Hynes, Dublin, Ireland, Medical Internship (3 Weeks)

Cristina Pastor Martinez, Onil, Spain, Elephant Camp (2 Weeks)

Nina Graczyk, Gniezno, Poland, Teaching Monks (4 Weeks)

Anna Naggert, Maine, U.S.A., Medical Internship (2 Weeks) & Elephant Camp (1 Week)

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