Volunteer in Thailand with Friends for Asia

Chiang Mai Volunteer Groups #306 & 307; August, 2023

Presenting Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Group #306 and 307! Technically, group #306 was just one volunteer, who started outside of our project start dates. But, we were still happy to have Babette take part in our elephant camp project.

Group #307 arrived and started in their projects earlier this month. A fun group of five volunteers and interns from France, the UK, the US, and the Netherlands. Axel is our first volunteer to take part in our newly modified Children’s Home Project and is doing a wonderful job!

Chiang Mai Volunteer Group #307!

August, 2023

  1. Axel Mattera, Fillinges, France, Children’s Home (4 Weeks)

  2. Henrieta Wong, London, U.K., Women’s Empowerment (4 Weeks)

  3. Praewa Montross, Michigan, U.S.A., Medical Internship (1 Week)

  4. Brina Palčič, Limburg, Netherlands, Medical Internship (2 Weeks)

  5. Piriyanka Jeyapahan, London, U.K., Women’s Empowerment (4 Weeks)

We still have space in many of our projects through the rest of the year. *If interested in learning more about our Thailand volunteer and intern opportunities, please complete the form below.

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