Volunteer in Thailand with Friends for Asia

Elephant Fence

Thank you for visiting this page. The Sponsorship program for the elephant enclosure has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

Taking care of elephants and their well-being is important, but also expensive and not easy. We are reaching out to interested individuals to help elephants in our most recent project for their well-being. Due to expense related issues, elephants in our Thailand Elephant Nursery Volunteer Project are currently chained when their mahouts are not present. Nobody wants this. We are doing something about it and need your help!

*Registration for interested donors is at the bottom of this page.

In collaboration with the elephant nursery project site, an elephant fence is being built to allow the elephants to freely roam, interact, bathe and enjoy life when they are not in the forest with their mahouts. The space is quite large and we look forward to when the structure is completed. Construction of the structure started on Friday, the 10th of November, 2022 and is expected to be completed before the 1st of December, 2022.

Construction of Elephant Fence Video

This video was taken on Saturday, the 12th of November, 2022

The Friends for Asia Foundation has been struggling for the last three years. Keeping an international volunteer and intern placement organization afloat through three years of (almost) no income has been extremely difficult. We have remained committed to providing opportunities for people to contribute via their service in our program sites and benefit from the interactions they have during that experience. This, of course, includes the benefit towards elephants. To off-set some of the costs incurred for the construction of the elephant fence, we are asking for interested donors to assist in the funding of the construction of the elephant fence. Our work has always been primarily towards volunteer placement and only now are we engaging in construction projects to help the benefit the people and animals at the project sites where our volunteers are placed.

Please visit our Elephant Nursery Volunteer Project page for more info on volunteering.

The fence budget is 400,000 Thai Baht (roughly 11,500 US Dollars) and will consist of 70 columns. Individuals interested in donating are welcomed to provide a donation of 6,000 Thai Baht, or $170 US Dollars to support one of the 70 columns of the structure. When completed, the elephant fence will look similar to the picture here.

A list below will updated daily with people or groups that sponsor each of the 70 columns. A 5 inch X 5 inch metal plaque will be placed on the column of the supported person or group. Photos of each supported plaque will be sent to donors and posted on our social media when the fence is completed. A list of donors is below and will remain permanently on this page. Individuals can submit the donation to our Thailand foundation bank account, or with any credit card, debit card or PayPal account via our PayPal virtual terminal. Instructions of payment are provided upon completion of the form below.

Example Plaque:

Plaque Example 2:

Elephant Fence Donors:

Thank you for support for donating to the elephant fence and helping these elephants freely roam and interact. This list will be updated daily until the fence construction is complete or we have received 70 total donors.

*Registration Form for interested donors is at the bottom of this page.






Elephant Fence Sponsor Registration Form